Rautasjaure, late March 2008

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Head of the lake Waterfalls under Lahttekcohkka Peaks beyond the head of the lake
Stålis and Chrille on The Eagle's Prey Stålis leading The Eagle's Prey (Örnens byte) Mostly low-angle, but with an occasional steep step
Chrille following Time to abseil back down We would tackle the steeper waterfall the next day
Chrille approaching In the Realm of the Gyrfalcon on the Sunday Nearing the end of the first pitch of Gyrfalcon (I jaktfalkens rike) Chrille found a nice cave at the end of the first abseil
Abseiling down from the ice cave Stålis and Chrille check the map... ...back at the boatshed
On the Monday morning the new snow had blown and rolled itself into strange shapes on the lake Chrille and I had a bit of an adventure on Nåjdens sång (in the first ravine) The sun had come out by the time we were packing to leave
We stopped to rest our ears on Guhposjavri And again on the way back over Roahpi ...to admire the view back towards Rautasjaure
...before loading the snowmobiles onto the vehicles for the 30 km trip back to town

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Photos: Rick McGregor
Updated: 2008-04-07, rmcgregor*hotmail.com